Hi Tomek! My name is Konstantin Savenkov, we have met in a car from Maydaadir to Karakol. My trip report about Khan-Tengri is here: http://savenkov.livejournal.com/216198.html
What are your plans for the new season? I am planning trip on Pamirs with ascension to Korzheneva Peak (7105) and possibly Communismo (Ismaila Somoni) Peak (7495).
Wspaniała wyprawa. Podziwiam za pomysł i wykonanie samotne. Jestem pod wielkim wrażeniem.
OdpowiedzUsuńja tez...:)
OdpowiedzUsuńHi Tomek! My name is Konstantin Savenkov, we have met in a car from Maydaadir to Karakol. My trip report about Khan-Tengri is here: http://savenkov.livejournal.com/216198.html
OdpowiedzUsuńWhat are your plans for the new season? I am planning trip on Pamirs with ascension to Korzheneva Peak (7105) and possibly Communismo (Ismaila Somoni) Peak (7495).
Hi! I have lots off plans, the only problem is money :( . Wee weel see Greathings for your friends.